Recently our friend Kate needed some worms for a worm farm she helped start with Todd at the Binkley Healing Center. She messaged Ventura Cooperative on facebook, we connected, and we set up a time for her to come pick up a box of red wrigglers. While she was with us, she talked about her project with Todd growing food on the balcony. Sweet news! More folks growing their own! Even the news about how they're doing it. They built and planted three wicking beds.
Wicking beds are a great way to save water and grow your own food! Check out the video above from activists feeding their community with food and knowledge.
Kate then invited us to a presentation Todd was doing the next day for his custom designed, handmade, water saving new raised beds. Of course I went and was pleasantly surprised to see how intensely involved Kate and Todd are with growing their own food-- with sustainable and organic means. They did a great job documenting the process. The presentation was informative and inspiring. Plus I like the color purple! (they painted the beds purple ;-)
Our friend Jim Mangis came to the meet-up as well. Come to find out, he helped Kate and Todd get started with plants and soil from his local business Good Tilth Organic Nursery. Jim makes his own excellent compost mix. He spoke about soil, I got the chance to practice a 30sec pitch for our Actively Aerated Compost Tea, and Todd talked about wicking beds. Win-win-win!
So thanks to Kate and Todd for stepping up and implementing a program to grow their own food in a way that fits their needs and lifestyle. Anybody can do it, and at Ventura Cooperative, we're here to help you out!
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