Ventura Time Bank

We've updated our software system to a whole new site!

Check out the new Time and Talents platform, which enable us to grow and network with other time banks across the country!  Register and try it out!

Ventura Time Bank is a skill-sharing and services network. It it based on the concept that your time and talent is a valuable resource to the community. For every hour you put in, you receive an hour of a service you need in return. These hours will eventually turn into a local currency that can be used to purchase locally made sustainable products. Buy joining the Ventura Time Bank you get the community based services you need and help further the building of a vibrant local economy based on equity and value.

1 comment:

  1. Ventura Timebank has three main goals:

    1. Strengthen the fabric of our community.
    2. Serve people and give them a means to serve.
    3. Establish new relationships and meet real needs of our community members.

    We recognize that each person has talents to share, and that the overall community is strengthened when neighbors help one another. For every hour that you help meet the needs of another member, you earn a time credit for the exchange. This time credit can then be redeemed for services from others, and the never-ending cycle of sharing continues.
