Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Winter Garden Compost Tea and Soil Amendments

October is the time to plant for your winter garden, to prepare the soil for spring planting, and to build rainwater collection systems.  We can help you go green for your family and the planet.  Give us call and place your orders now.  We'll get you in the cue for organic supplements and hands on implementation!  Harvard University switched over, so the science is tested and true, organics rule!
Call us today for a quote.
(805) 765-1892

Friday, September 5, 2014

People's Climate March Ventura

Sunday, September 21, people of all ages will march in solidarity with the March in NYC calling on world leaders to take action against global warming. 

Schedule (Subject to Change)
8:00 AM Breakfast at Ventura City Corps
8:30 AM Live Telecast of NYC People's Climate March 
10:00 AM Rally at Ventura City Hall
11:00 AM March to ventura pier
1:00 PM March Back to Ventura City Corps for lunch
2:00 PM Free Film Screening: "Disruption"
3:00 Climate Workshop
5:00 Open Mic
6:00 Dinner
7:00 March to 101 overpass for Overpass Light Brigade

facebook event page event page: